In electronics, solders are main material to connect electrical components to substrates which are generally printed circuit boards. Although they are cheap, they are not effective if long term performance is considered since solders have low resistivity to corrosion relatively. Since corrosion reduce reliability, the cost of advanced technological systems such as RADAR, SONAR, LIDAR and more increase. In addition, small signals can be lost, and in huge data transfer, some of the data can be lost also especially which may lead catastrophic failures in critical systems. For instance, surface to air missiles can be launched to target which is not exist if the data coming from detection systems is noisy. Therefore, corrosion protection is necessary, and silver conductive adhesive paste is an essential candidate to replace PbSn solders due to its resistivity to corrosion. Silver conductive adhesive paste provide not only noisy reduction but also electromagnetic interference whi...
Since its foundation in 2011, Nanografi Nano Technology has been manufacturing and supplying advanced nano- and micromaterials materials, carbon materials [graphene, graphene oxide (GO) reduced graphene oxide (rGO), carbon nanotubes (CNT)], wafers, sputtering materials, electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors as well as industrial equipment. We are proud to have gained the experience of working and cooperation in the market of over 100 countries worldwide.