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Rundown about Aluminum Properties: Aluminum (Al) is a silvery-white, soft and malleable metal. Aluminum is light and sixth most ductile element. Aluminum readily reacts with oxygen, so aluminums pure form is rarely found. However, because of the reaction with oxygen, aluminum oxide is formed and coats the aluminum itself and prevents it from corrosion. That comes as the reason why aluminum is widely used in many applications. Aluminum is non-toxic, non-sparking, and non-magnetic. Aluminum has high thermal and electrical conductivity. The most crucial property of Al(Aluminum) is that when aluminum is alloyed with other metals, the resulting product acquires many astonishing properties. Alloys with magnesium, manganese, copper, silicon are quite strong, but lightweight at the same time. When evaporated in vacuum, Al(Aluminum) can be used as a reflective coating for heat and light. At last, aluminum is cheap and replaces most metals in daily life use. Applications: Aluminum is ...
Gold (Au) Element's Specifications Properties: Gold is a rather soft yellow metal. Au(Gold) has the atomic number of 79 and Gold is placed in the same periodic table column as copper and silver. Gold conducts electricity and heat easily, and has an extremely high density. Au(Gold) is hardly oxidized; moreover gold is not affected by most acids and bases. Gold is widely utilized in jewelry in golds pure form or mostly as an alloy. Depending on how much of amount of gold is in alloy, the term ‘carat’ is used. For example, 24-carat is pure gold. However, pure gold is rarely used due to Golds softness, so Gold is mostly alloyed with other metals to make the product durable. Au(Gold) is malleable and ductile, and can be pressed into sheets. Applications: Gold is used in Jewelry Gold is used in Coins Gold is used in Art, decoration Gold is used in Architectural ornament Gold is used in Electroplating Gold is used in Gears for watches, artificial limb joints Gold is...
Boron (B), Properties Of Boron Properties: Boron is a chemical element with atomic number 5. Boron is a dark powder that is scarce on earth. The biggest boron deposits are located in Turkey. Boron is usually used in chemical compounds. Boron forms stable covalent molecular bonds. Boron is considerably difficult to obtain boron’s pure material. The oxidation rate of boron relies on the particle size, crystallinity, purity and temperature. At room temperature air does not affect boron, but at higher temperatures boron burns and boron trioxide is formed. Boron has the oxidation state 3 in most compounds (with oxides, halides, nitrides, sulfides). Boron has two stable isotopes, ^ 11 B (80.1%) and ^10 B (19.9%). Boric acid, borax and boric oxide are the most vital compounds of Boron. Applications: Boron is used in Rocket fuel igniter Boron is used in Pyrotechnic flares Boron is used in Eye drops Boron is used in Mild antiseptics Boron is used in Washing powders Boron is...
Carbon (C)  Powder's Specifications and Uses Properties: Carbon is a nonmetallic chemical element placed in the group 14 of the periodic table. Despite the fact that Carbon is located in many areas on Earth, carbon is only 0.025 percent of Earth’s crust. There are several pure forms of carbon such as diamond, fullerenes, and graphene, graphite. Carbon is a crucial element in our life; Carbon is found in all living things. Applications: Carbon is remarkable among the elements; Carbon elements forms strongly bonded chains, enclosed by hydrogen atoms. These hydrocarbons, extricated normally as petroleum derivatives (coal, oil and natural gas), are generally  utilized as fuels . A little, however, vital part is utilized as a  feedstock for the petrochemical enterprises creating polymers, filaments, paints, solvents and plastics and so forth. Impure carbon as charcoal (from wood) and coke (from coal) is utilized as a part of  metal refining . Carbon is  es...
Uses Of Bismuth Nanoparticles Properties: Bismuth is a dense, silvery with a pinkish tinge metal. Bi (Bismuth) is mild and breaks easily and at room temperatures it cannot be manipulated or utilized. With a melting point of 271 Celsius and boiling point of 1560 Celsius, Bismuth enlarges as it transforms from liquid to solid. At room temperature Bi(Bismuth) reacts slowly with Oxygen. Bismuth also reacts with most acids. Bismuth is not an abundant metal on Earth, so bismuth is rather difficult to find. Bi(Bismuth) has one naturally occurring isotope, bismuth-209. Bismuth is harmless to a human body. Bismuth is most useful in various applications when bismuth is combined with other metals. Applications: Bismuth is used in the Fire detectors, solders, electric fuses, fire extinguisher (when alloyed with tin or cadmium) Bismuth is used in cosmetics and paints Bismuth is used in substitute for lead in many uses(plumbing applications, ceramics, glazes) Bismuth is used in medic...
Carbon Nanotubes Specifications and Properties Carbon Nanotubes, simply CNTs, are allotropes of carbon with a round and hollow nanostructure. These barrel shaped carbon molecules have crucial properties, which are significant for nanotechnology, hardware, optics and other different fields of materials science and innovation. The carbon nanotube’s excellent quality as a strong and firm material laid the basis on many applications. Not to mention carbon nanotubes exceptional heat conductivity, electrical and mechanical properties, Carbon Nanotubes are used as additives to diverse auxiliary materials. In terms of rigidity and flexibility Carbon Nanotubes are the stiffest and strongest materials. These quality outcomes from the covalent sp2 bonds framed between the individual carbon molecules. Unlike Graphene , Carbon Nanotubes are either conductive or semiconducting along the tubular hub. Carbon Nanotubes also have absorption, fluorescence properties. Bulk Carbon nanotubes are util...
Specifications and Applications of Cobalt (Co) Properties: Cobalt is a chemical element with the atomic number 27. Cobalt is found in chemically combined form. The cobalt is hard and solid with grayish color. Cobalt has a high boiling and melting points. At room temperature and standard pressure cobalt can barely be oxidized. But if cobalt is heated, a cobalt oxide is formed. The oxide from cobalt can be used in many useful applications and the material acquires various colors depending on Cobalts oxidation state. Applications: Cobalt works as a magnet like iron. To enhance the magnets cobalt is usually mixed with aluminum and nickel. Cobalt is vital in applications where high temperature exists (alloyed with other elements cobalt is utilized in gas turbine generators, jet turbines). Cobalt is noncorrosive hard metal that can be used in electroplating. Cobalt salts are used as a coloring of glass, pottery, enamels, porcelain, and paint. Radioactive cobalt-60 can be used i...
Specifications of Chromium (Cr) Properties: Chromium is a chemical element with atomic number 24. In group 6 Chromium is placed as the first element. Chromium is a grayish, lustrous, hard and brittle metal. Chromium does not tarnish and has a high boiling point. Like some other metals (iron) Chromium is magnetic. When polished chromium becomes shiny, so many use Chromium to protect and color the surface of other materials. Applications: Chromium is utilized to make steel hard, to produce stainless steel. Chromium is used in Chromium plating, Chromium plated plastics(which are used, for example, in bathroom fittings), Chromium is used in Tanning leather. Chromium compounds are used as catalysts and pigments. Chromium is used in High-speed tool steels. Chromium is used in Jet engines and gas turbines. Chromium is used in Electroplating. Synthetic ruby and the first laser. Chromium is used in Wood preservative. Timber treatment to protect food from decay fungi, ...