The real name is buckminster fullerene.
Fullerene are the third allotrope form of carbon material after graphite and diomand.
Fullerene are the three-dimensional spherical shape of the graphene layer.
The first fullerene is formed by the condensation of carbon atoms formed by evaporation of graphite by laser.
The first fullerene molecule was discovered and prepared in 1985 by Richard Smalley, Robert Curl, James Heath, Sean O’Brien, and Harold Kroto at Rice University. The name come from Buckminster Fuller, whose geodesic domes it resembles.
The most stable and common of fullerenes is the C60 molecule. This molecule is a pure carbon molecule consisting of 60 atoms. In the structure of the C60 molecule there are 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons. If the fullerene is so special, it is the superior physical and chemical properties that the stable and solid structure provides.
The hardness of fullerene is harder than diamond. Also, the ductility of fullerene is 100 times stronger than steel. Fullerene has amazing electrical conductivity. Fullerene has more stronger conductivity than copper, Fullere's weighs only one 6 of copper material.
Fullerene is such a special molecule because of its superior physical and chemical properties.
Because of these superior features, we prefere fullerene in energy electric and optical fields. It is believed that the fulleren's hollow structure allows it to perform drug delivery tasks. In addition, studies continue to be used in molecular recognition applications. It is thought that this molecular recognition technology will help cancer treatment.
The round and solid structure of the buckyballs of fullerenine allows the fullerene to be used in the coating industry. In addition, heat resistance and superconductivity properties of fullerene are studied in the field of nanotechnology.
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