A wafer, also called a slice or substrate . It is actually a thin piece of semiconductor material, such as a crystalline silicon. It is mostly used in electronics for the fabrication of integrated circuits and in photovoltaics for conventional, wafer-based solar cells. The wafer serves as the substrate for microelectronic devices. Today silicon chips are everywhere. Some microfabrication process step like doping or ion implantation, etching, deposition of various materials, and photolithographic patterning are applied. . Finally the individual microcircuits are separated (dicing) and packaged. Wafers are formed of highly pure (99.9999999% purity ), nearly defect-free single crystalline material. Ultrabook devices, smartphones, tablets, high performance computing, data centers included this material. Engineers automate factories and are embedded in automobiles and everyday devices. The most sophisticated processor can contain hundreds of millions or billions of tr...
Since its foundation in 2011, Nanografi Nano Technology has been manufacturing and supplying advanced nano- and micromaterials materials, carbon materials [graphene, graphene oxide (GO) reduced graphene oxide (rGO), carbon nanotubes (CNT)], wafers, sputtering materials, electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors as well as industrial equipment. We are proud to have gained the experience of working and cooperation in the market of over 100 countries worldwide.